Revenue Royalties Income Fund

About the Fund

The Fund is a limited purpose trust established to invest in A&W Trade Marks Inc. (Trade Marks), which indirectly owns the A&W trademarks used in the A&W quick service restaurant business in Canada. The trademarks comprise some of the best-known brand names in the Canadian foodservice industry. Trade Marks licences these trademarks to A&W Food Services of Canada Inc. in exchange for a royalty of 3 per cent of the sales of the restaurants in the Royalty Pool.

This structure makes the A&W Revenue Royalties Income Fund a “top-line” fund because income is based solely on the sales of A&W restaurants minus the Fund's and Trade Marks' minimal operating expenses, interest on Trade Marks' term debt and income taxes. The Fund is not subject to the variability of earnings or expenses associated with an operating business.

Fund distributions are made monthly.